Mini Pies

Mini Pies

C’mon, how cute are these? Re-invent the way you do pie! A simple, quick, effortless (minus the rolling) way to control this year’s pie intake! Pumpkin, cherry, apple,and pecan all baking at the same time? Yes! Knock out all the flavors so there are no complaints come dessert time. 

The muffin tin method takes the difficulty of transferring a whole crust into a dish over and over with numerous pies. 

You can use ANY filling you want, this my favorite part! I like this DIY idea, too, because it also limits how much pie I actually eat! #SelfControl

You must work with cold crust and then ensure your cutter is bigger than the muffin tin cups.

Then fill your cups almost all the way. I used cherries and apples as pictured below, if you have a lot of liquid from canned filling, be sure to get some fruit in there and not just liquid. I feel there is a ton of liquid and less fruit as the years go by?

Then comes the exciting part….get creative with your top crust! A braid using 3 strips, 2 strips for a twist, a traditional lattice shown below, or a whole top crust if you are just eager to get them in oven and eat! And breathe…..

Dollop with some ice cream and warm caramel sauce!

Mini Pies

  • Servings: 12pies
  • Difficulty: Easy
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  • The Perfect Pie Crust recipe
  • 4 cups of your favorite filling
  • 1 egg + Dash of water, whisked


  1. Prepare the pie crust according to directions.
  2. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. Grease 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray.
  4. Flour dust your rolling surface and rolling pin.
  5. Roll out half of your dough 1/4 inch thick starting from the center to the edges until you have a big circle. 
  6. Using a mug, ramekin, big cookie cutter, or circular lid, cut out about a 4 inch circle.
  7. Press and mold dough into the bottom of muffin tin cup, leaving the rest to hang over the top. Repeat with remaining dough.
  8. Spoon filling into each cup nearly to the top, about 2 tablespoons or so.
  9. Use the remaining dough to create a top crust. To make a lattice top, cut thin strips of dough then lace them together. Light press down into bottom dough until the two crusts are bound together.
  10. For standard full top crust, cut circle large enough to cover the top of the filling and crimp edges to seal together.
  11. Dip your finger into the egg wash and dab the wash over any exposing crust. If you created a full top crust, egg wash first and then cut tiny slits to vent the pie. 2 or 3 is enough.
  12. Bake 30-35 minutes, or until filling is bubbling. Mine took 30 minutes on the dot!
  13. Let cool for 15 minutes. 
  14. Carefully loosen the sides and gently lift out of muffin tin.
  15. Serve immediately, room temperature, or cover and refrigerate.

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