Honey Baked Pear

Honey Baked Pear

A guiltless, warm fall treat that can be PEAR-ed with ice cream, over  a shaved brussel sprout salad with blue cheese, over a crostini, or eaten by itself. I love pears because they are so versatile and make an amazing up side down pear cake. A fruit that has endless opportunities is always welcome in my kitchen.

You can use any pear really, just make sure it is ripe. How can you tell? By lightly pressing the very top near the stem. If it is super soft, it is time for baking! However, Royal Riviera, Bosc, and Anjou are my top favorites and easy to find. I got a full bag of Anjou for $1.99! Baked pears every night for 6 days. Haha!

Honey Baked Pear

  • Servings: 2-halves
  • Difficulty: Easy
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  • 1 ripe pear, room temperature
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Honey 
  • Walnuts (optional)
  • Blue or Brie cheese (optional)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheet with parchment or grease a non-stick baking sheet.
  2. Slice down the center of the pear vertically and place inside facing up. (With any fruit that is round on the bottom, cut a sliver off the round side so it faces straight up so all the goodies won’t fall out!)
  3. Using a spoon, scoop out seeds. You will have a bowl which is used in the next steps!
  4. Sprinkle cinnamon over pear, then drizzle as much honey as you like, 1 tablespoon is enough for me…
  5. Add piece of chopped nuts to the center of the pear (where the seeds were)
  6. Bake 30-35 minutes. Remove from heat.
  7. If adding cheese, sprinkle on to pear, place back in oven for about 1 minutes. Remove and enjoy!

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