Homemade Caramel Sauce

Homemade Caramel Sauce

Yum! Not a huge caramel fan but this turned me into one. I love glazes as toppings, I feel it can take your dessert from good to great and from great to extraordinary. This sauce has a dual purpose, by it self or mixed in with powdered sugar for a delicious glaze over my Spiced Caramel Apple Turnovers.

Have all of your ingredients ready to go by your side. Once the amber color appears, you have only 1 hand free and it is to add the rest of your ingredients! It starts out slow and then you are quickly making caramel!

Homemade Caramel Sauce

  • Servings: 1-13-ounceJar
  • Difficulty: Easy
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Add powdered sugar for a quick glaze!


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 + 1 tablespoon water
  • 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 3 tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla, or extract
  • Pinch of salt


  1. In a medium sauce pan over medium heat, melt sugar and water together, stirring once. 
  2. Wait until bubbles cover the bottom of your pan. About 3-4 minutes. Do not walk away!
  3. Immediately bring to a boil and stop stirring.*
  4. When you see a amber color (burnt orange-ish), remove from heat and start to whisk.
  5. Constantly whisking, add whipping scream slowly.
  6. Add butter, vanilla, and then salt. Whisk, whisk, whisk!
  7. Mixture will thicken and appears a beautiful, smooth, creamy, velvet texture.
  8. Place into jar or container, let cool completely. Store in refrigerator.

*First time I made this I set my fire alarm off. DO NOT walk away from this mixture. It takes a few minutes for bubbles to just form and then instantly can turn into big ones. Once you bring mixture to a boil, it takes about 4-6 minutes and in the blink of an eye it turns amber to burnt really fast. It is a rapid process so stay patient and watch the color appear!

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