“The Way You Do One Thing, Is The Way You Do Everything.”

“The Way You Do One Thing, Is The Way You Do Everything.”

True statement.

For the past years I haven’t really found anything that I am truly interested in. I like a ton of things, but would half-ass whatever I was doing. Maybe it was a job, a relationship, a workout, even my listening skills. I can’t say I have given my 110% unless it had to do with sports or food. Hints where I am today. Food blogger and yoga instructor.

I knew going into the corporate world would be tough. It wasn’t something that mesmerized my mind. Sure, I had great opportunities but doesn’t forcing yourself to do something take away the excitement? I don’t look forward to money, I look forward to pleasure. To fun. To constantly changing what I do on a daily basis. Not knowing what tomorrow’s agenda will be. I am not spontaneous or a free spirit. I am a planner in many ways, and not so much in others.

Like when it comes to an event, I have to know a day in advance because as someone who lives in yoga pants and no make up…it takes a while for the hair and face to look presentable!

However, I found myself in places where I wasn’t giving my full potential. That is when I knew it was time to move on. I am passionate about teaching, about health, about lifestyle changes, about living your best self. This is why I love my job and never, ever, ever, ever, have I once not given my student’s 110% percent. Even on the worse day. They know what to expect when they arrive, and I know exactly what I want them to take away from my classes. Yoga has taught me if I can create this energy in one place, why can’t I step outside of the class room with the same energy? It comes back to passion. I work out before or after my classes and I always give my full attention to myself no matter the challenge, the shaking, the intensity. Breathe, and know it is temporary. The way I do one thing is the way I do everything. I get to teach health and wellness every week. This is my passion and why I give everything I have each day.

I use to do reformers Pilates with my mom many moons ago. I quit after I moved to The University of Houston campus for college. Fast forward, I found a studio, two actually, and I tried one month at one and the other one I didn’t care to go to a third class. 1 year passes and I am referred to a brand new studio that just popped up. I only went because the beautiful lady that referred it has a killer body and it all happened in like 2 weeks! I was blown away!

I signed up and my class was this past Wednesday morning. It is a 45 minute class at 11:30a.m. A.k.a the luxury hour as I call it! haha! So it is just me and the toned perfect body instructor. 

First off, it is like a private lesson, you really work infinity times more when there is less people because I am the one focus she has! Second, I paid a good amount for this class, I was not going to slack off. Lastly, I want to be in shape like this instructor!

45 minutes of reformers Pilates, here we go! Plank, first pose. I kid you not, I wanted to give up. I started shaking! Guys, it has been 1 minute and I am shaking like a wet dog! I thought I was strong, she tested my muscular strength in 1 minute! About 5 minutes pass as we move along and I see the first, second, third drop of sweat. BREATHEEEEE is all I told myself. I was shaking all over, muscles I haven’t felt in ages were convulsing. I look like I was getting electrocuted because I was shaking so much.

35 more minutes and I thought no way. I wanted to give up so badly and then I came back into my intention, “The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything.” I was not going to give up no matter the burn, the shaking, the sweat because if I did, I just proved to myself I am not living up to my fullest potential. I have quit a lot of thing in my short lifetime, but it is time to grow up. 

The rest of class was such an amazing experience. I thought no studio would ever be able to test my strength. I was way wrong! I waddled out of there as I felt the lactic acid building up, feeling victorious and accomplished. Guys, it has been a long time since I have felt that high and I believe because I truly never gave my all to everything I did. No matter what I am doing, I want this excitement all the time. 

I woke up feeling like I was hit by train…in a good way. If there is one? I ended up pushing myself to go again that morning. 2 days in a row after I could barely walk from the previous day. I sweat 3 times more just lovely nudging my body to see just how far I am willing to work for what I want. 

Saturday. Today. I felt amazing. This experience slapped me in the face realizing I can give full effort to what I am passionate about, but what about the little things I have to do. Like dusting my apartment. Do I actually pick up the photo frame and dust the frame and under it, or do I go around it?

I think I’ll be sure to clean 100% of what is in front of me with 110% effort. 

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