I have learned that everything does not happen according to plan. Period.
Change is the only constant in this world. Like this picture 1 year ago! Look and then read on….

Not the most flattering side profile picture but look at that hair! It was so short! My entire life up to last year my hair has always been long. Then came the mom-bob. I ended up really enjoying it until I found bobby pins stuck in shirts, in my bed, my car middle cup holder, everywhere! Anyways, my point being I stepped out of my comfort zone and created my own change. This was my first step, dancing with discomfort.
Learning to become a little more unorganized in different parts of my life allows everything to fall into place organically along with some positive surprises. “Expect the unexpected” is for real, y’all! More freedom, more space in my brain for fluidity and clarity. Rewiring my brain in a way that suits attainable milestones without a time clock. I feel more organized with a mind less organized. Don’t get me wrong, I still have goals, but they are visionary goals I can control and work toward. Learning to let go of perfection. The idea of perfection consumes my brain of what I feel I should be doing. What I look like, self judgment, self-comparison. Why? Learning to peel away the layers of ego, expectation, self-doubt is the simple recipe as to how I live my life according to me. Instead, breathing in patience, confidence, and kindness. The goals and realistic visions are all parts of a life plan each of us have. However, choose to cleanse what we do not have control over. The freedom and detox from an emotional cave. Like breaking out of jail….I suppose.;)
Never would I thought I would be blogging. Or building a website. I haven’t used a computer in years. Heck, I didn’t even know what a “widget” meant on a web page. If you don’t either don’t feel bad, if you do…don’t judge me! Ha! I finally decided to share my world with the public. It’s a little scary because I want everything to be perfect and work the way it should. Not everyone likes the same things. That is what makes our world so awesome. And not everyone will like my recipes, or my page. That is cool, too. Give me some time and I can make it up to you! However, my life is consistently changing. Through my job, my blog, my recipes, my perspectives and more importantly letting go of my fears. Everything. I call it a work in progress. We all are works in progress because each of us can let something go to create space for a positive, unexpected transformation. This journey is surreal for me as I never EVER saw my self in the kitchen, or on the computer ninety-percent of the day, or writing a book! I am putting myself out there and it is vulnerability that is my constant change. Letting myself be seen and heard. Stepping up my game to pursue what I love on a daily basis in order to create my own change in this one lifetime. This is my start. Where is yours?
I share my thought and stories as way to communicate. Knowing I am not the only one who experiences the same feelings and emotions. I hope you enjoy and look forward to your comments, our connection, and our growth together!
“Live up to self potential rather than expectation.” – Me